Hollard launches tailor-made cover for travellers facing uncertainty of the coronavirus
Travelling when the coronavirus Covid-19 is spreading the world is nerve-racking, so Hollard Travel Insurance launched a new product on March 4, 2020 that will help travellers deal with the virus’s impact.
The product, simply named Covid19, adds several Covid-19-related elements to Hollard Travel Insurance’s existing cover that already included cover for medical treatment while overseas and cancellations due to an unexpected illness.
Covid-19 is a newly identified coronavirus – a large family of zoonotic viruses- that has infected more than 80,300 people and caused more than 3,000 deaths across the world since it was first reported in China on December 31, 2019 according to the WHO March 3, 2020 update. While its spread is slowing down in mainland China, it is picking up elsewhere and has reached every continent except Antarctica. The mortality rate is around 2%.
Covid-19’s spread is presenting the travel industry with an unprecedented global challenge, one that changes daily. Hollard Travel Insurance continues to monitor advice and guidelines set out by relevant health authorities.
In developing the Covid-19 product, Hollard Travel Insurance consulted with experts. The additional cover is designed to respond to concerns regarding international travel:
- Reimbursement for proactive testing for Covid-19, irrespective of whether there is a manifestation of symptoms or not
- Cancellation cover has been expanded to include cover specifically for:
- Cancellation or curtailment if a city listed in your itinerary has been isolated by state authorities due to the disease
- Cancelled flights (A number of airlines have cancelled flights). It is understood airlines may reimburse clients for the flights; however, the policy will reimburse non-refundable accommodation costs due to the cancellation of flights
- Event cancellation (A number of large global events have been cancelled in the last few days). If an event you have booked travel for has been cancelled, the insurance will reimburse you for non-refundable flights and accommodation but will exclude the cost of your visa
- If your flight has been delayed due to a medical emergency on board, insurance will reimburse additional expenses incurred during the delay for the purchase of food, drink and accommodation.
- Repatriation to South Africa. If at any time you want to return to South Africa earlier than booked due to the threat of Covid-19 being reasonably present in your destination or transit city, insurance will reimburse the penalties/fees to change the airline ticket
To access Covid-19 travel protection, select the Covid19 option by following the prompts on http://www.lsginsurance.co.za/travelsure/
Note: The Covid19 policy should be purchased within 24 hours of the ticket deposit being paid / ticket being purchased (whichever is first) to qualify for ‘Cancel for any Reason” and clients need to cancel their tickets 48 hours prior to their flights with their agents or airlines in order to claim. You will then be entitled to 50% of your total losses up to R25,000 per insured person should you decide not to travel
Source: Hollard Travel Insurance